MBZUAI and Silal sign MoU to empower AI innovation in agriculture and food production

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 10, 2023 – On the sidelines of COP28 UAE, Mohamedbin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), the world’s firstresearch university focused on AI, and Silal, an agri-food company based in AbuDhabi, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to bring AI innovationto agriculture and food production. The agreement will support the creation ofa joint AI Center of Excellence with the potential to enable the UAE to developand expand its food production sector, while improving food security andsustainability.
MBZUAI’sVice President of Public Affairs and Alumni Relations Sultan Al Hajji, and SalmeenAlameri Silal’S Chief Executive Officer, signed the MoU during the COP28Thematic Day: Food, Agriculture, and Water. Under the agreement, MBZUAI andSilal will conduct joint research to accelerate the use of AI in farming andfood systems and exchange technical knowledge, expertise, and resources.
MBZUAIand Silal will also provide a framework for the transfer and commercializationof research, including support for startups and business spinouts with thepotential to raise efficiency, production, and innovation in the UAE’s foodsector.
“MBZUAIand Silal will work together to develop AI innovation for agriculture and foodproduction by creating new opportunities to combine our resources, and developand commercialize research, empowering the sector to produce quality food inthe most sustainable way possible,” said Al Hajji. “This partnership comes inline with the National Strategy for Food Security 2051, which aims to develop acomprehensive national system based on enabling sustainable food productionusing modern technologies and enhance local production.”
Salmeen Alameri commented on the signing, "Embracinga collaborative journey with MBZUAI strengthens Silal's dedication topioneering AI innovation in agriculture and food production. This partnershipunlocks vast potential, enhancing our research capabilities and propelling ustowards a more robust and resilient food system for the future."
Expertshave identified several important use cases for deploying AI in theagricultural sector, such as predictive insights related to weather data, cropoutput, and pricing predictions. AI also has a key role to play in advancing phenotypingand crop discovery, enabling farmers to identify genes with the most suitabletraits to withstand disease, pests, and the impact of climate change faster andmore effectively.
AboutMohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI)
MBZUAI is a graduate research university focused onartificial intelligence, computer science, and digital technologies acrossindustrial sectors. The university aims to empower students, businesses, andgovernments to advance artificial intelligence as a global force for positiveprogress. MBZUAI offers various graduate programs designed to pursue advanced,specialized knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence, including computerscience, computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, androbotics. For more information, please visit www.mbzuai.ac.ae
To apply for admission, visitmbzuai.ac.ae or contact admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae. For press inquiries, pleasecontact:
Aya Sakoury
Head of Communications
Senior Communications Specialist
RogerField/Aaya AbuNahwa
Silalis part of ADQ, one of the region’s largest holding companies with a broadportfolio of major enterprises spanning key sectors of Abu Dhabi’s diversifiedeconomy.
Silalwas established in September 2020 to diversify sources of food products andstimulate manufactured and agri-food sectors. Silal’s mandates include managingprocurement programs and strategic stocks of foodstuffs.
Thecompany also executes specialized knowledge transfer programs on desert farmingtechniques and devises research and development projects. Silal envisionsmanaging procurement programs and strategic stocks of foodstuffs and aims toenhance food security by ensuring an adequate and stable supplies, creatingsustainable and robust food systems.
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